Monday, June 18, 2007

Assignment #9 (A)

After the storm Mr. Tanimoto began ferrying people again, and father Kleinsorge asked the theological student to go across and make his way out to the Jesuit Novitiate at Nagatsuka, about three miles from the center town, and to request the priest there to come with help for fathers Schiffer and Lassalle. The student got in to Mr. Tanimoto's boat and went off with him. Father Kleinsorge asked Mrs. Nakamura if she would like to go out to Nagatsuka with the priest when they came. She said she had some luggage and her children were sick-they were still vomiting from time to time, and so, for that matter, was she-and therefore she feared she could not. He said he thought the fathers from the Novitiate could come back the next day with a pushcart to get her. (Page 39)

This passage confuses me because it goes back and forward between characters, too fast from one to the other. It makes me loose sight of what is going on.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Actually this paragraph didn't mention back and forward. In my opinion, it was talking about Mrs. Nakamura refused to go with the priest because her children were sick. And then Father Kleinsorge told her that he hoped that those priest will come back with a push-cart to help her.