Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Blog Assignment #8(A)

Most of the lakes in the north country were shallow, scooped out by ancient glaciers, rarely over fifteen or twenty feet deep, and if the wind didn’t came up it was like sleeping in a cradle. (Page 24)


Shiau-Chwan, Ng said...

This is a Compound-Complex sentence because there are two independent clauses and one dependent clause.

The two independent clauses are " Most were shallow, scooped" and "it was." These two clauses are connected by using coordinating conjunction, which is "and."

The only one dependent clause in this sentence is "if the wind didn't came."

There are three subject-verb combinations: "Most were," "wind did came" and "it was."

Readerguy!! said...

This is a compound-complex sentence because it has two independent clauses and one dependent clause. The first independent clause is “Most of the lakes in the North Country were shallow”, where “lakes” is the subject and “were” is the verb, and the second independent clause is “ if the wind didn’t came up”, where “wind” is the subject and “did” is the verb. The dependent clause is “it was like sleeping in a cradle”, where “it “is the subject and “sleeping” is the verb.

syed m hasan said...

Most of the lakes in the north country were shallow, scooped out by ancient glaciers, rarely over fifteen or twenty feet deep, and if the wind didn’t came up it was like sleeping in a cradle. (Page 24)
this is a compound complex sentence because it has two independent clauses and one dependent clause."Most of the lakes in the north country were shallow, scooped out" is the first independent clause and"it was like sleeping in a cradle." is the second independent clause ."if the wind didn’t came up" is the dependent clause.

Cha said...

This sentence has two independent clauses and one dependent clause; therefore, this is a compound-complex type. The first independent clause is ““Most of the lakes in the North Country were shallow” and the second independent clause is ““it was like sleeping in a cradle.” The dependent clause is “if the wind didn’t came up.”